$97.00 USD

The Cash Based Physical Therapy Mastermind

This Mastermind Is For Cash PTs Who Are Startups To  Up To $250,000/Year In Sales!!

(If your above $250K/year in sales...you want the Executive Mastermind)

✔ Live Zoom Strategy Session 1x a month on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 1 pm EST

✔ You need to be a Physical Therapist or PTA who owns a cash practice or is just starting their business

✔ Every member brings 1-2 questions or problems to the strategy session

✔ Live question and answer and discussion with each member with personalized solutions

✔ We all learn from providing solutions to everyone's problems...just imagine all of the knowledge from just one session!

✔ Invitation to closed Facebook Cash Based Mastermind Group

✔ 24/7 Access to monthly strategy sessions recordings and access to other's solutions

✔ Goal is to grow your practice from start-up to a full schedule reaching $250K+ revenue!